Lynnea Shuck

Lynnea Shuck

Harvard College
lynnea shuck
Earth Island Institute
Berkeley, CA
Lynnea Shuck is a junior in Currier House concentrating in Social Studies. She studies political theory as it relates to the environment. On campus, she enjoys bringing philosophy to the wider campus community through the Harvard Review of Philosophy, which is producing a journal on animals this year.
Lynnea grew up in Fremont, CA, where she developed a commitment to keeping places wild for future generations and an appreciation for the National Wildlife Refuge System. As a volunteer at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Lynnea created the Junior Wildlife Ranger program to connect youth to nature.
This summer, she is thrilled to be returning to the Bay Area to direct Junior Wildlife Ranger, a project at the Earth Island Institute. Through her service developing Junior Wildlife Ranger, Lynnea hopes to propel childhood curiosity into environmental stewardship. She would like to instill in the youth of today a sense of environmental optimism, appreciation, and motivation.


Fellowship Recipients